Wednesday 6 July 2011

Saurus warriors, the finished product.

Amazingly, the Saurus are finished a full day ahead of schedule.

I'm pleased with the overall look of the unit.  There are flaws on the individual saurus but in my mind Warhammer fantasy painting is more about the look of the regiment than the individual models (apart from hero units of course).

The paint scheme is simple, using no more than 2 colours and a wash on each part.

The skin, once base coated as described before, I drybrushed with ice blue all over.  The scaly parts I then washed again with asurman blue.

The metal parts are either dwarf bronze or shining gold (according to taste.  I did half and half in this unit.) the metal is then washed with gryphonne sepia to give it a bit of shading.

The teeth and claws as well as any bone detailing are bleached bone washed with gryphonne sepia.

The shields are red gore washed with baal red but could be done in any colour you like.  The next lot I do will probably be green.

I left all the black parts as un-highlighted chaos black as I like the idea that the stone is very very dark.

The eyes were dotted with red gore.  I am not good at very fine detail so I shy away from eyes unless it is a very important model.

The command unit features a few extra details:

The banner is adeptus battlegrey washed black and drybrushed with codex grey.  The feathers on it are lich purple drybrushed with warlock purple.

The musicians drum is painted scorched brown with fine lines of graveyard earth running along its length to look like wood grain.  the drum skins are graveyard earth with a layer of bleached bone over the top.  The feather on the drumstick is blood red overbrushed with blazing orange.

The Champion has a head and shield from the temple guard kit as well as the biggest sword in the saurus kit to make him look unique and to stand out from the rest of the regiment.

I drybrushed his skin more heavily than the rest with a 50:50 mix of ice blue and skull while so he would look paler and more noticeable.  The helm, sword spike and shield spikes were painted graveyard earth and then washed with thraka green before being coated with bleached bone.  The plan was to make the bone look older.  I feel it has worked well on the helm but less so on the spikes.  The feather is goblin green, washed with thraka green and drybrushed with scorpion green.

So that's it, success on my first challenge.  These boys will get to take to the field of battle this weekend and I expect a new challenge will be set.  Until then I will have to get back to World of Tanks.

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